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Uber Background Check Errors & Your Rights

Denied a job with Uber Due to Errors on Your Background Check? We Can Help You Fight Back

Uber and Checkr Background Check Errors

Driving for Uber offers flexibility and income potential, but an inaccurate background check can jeopardize your job and livelihood. Background check errors can lead to delays or wrongfully disqualify you from being a driver. If your Uber background check contains mistakes, Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C. is here to help you correct these errors and fight for your rights as a driver.

The Uber Background Check Process

Uber partners with third-party background check companies like Checkr to screen drivers. The background check covers criminal history, driving record, and other data – all crucial for ensuring passenger safety. However, mistakes in these checks are common and can result in disqualifications, delays, or unnecessary job losses.
Quick Tip: Request Your Background Check – You can obtain a copy of your Uber background check from Checkr or Uber’s support team to verify its accuracy.

Common Background Check Errors for Uber Drivers

Inaccuracies can appear in Uber background checks for a variety of reasons:

  • Wrongful Criminal Records: Records that don’t belong to you.
  • Identity Mix-Ups: Incorrect personal details or mismatched records.
  • Outdated Information: Criminal charges or violations that should no longer appear.
  • Misreported Traffic Incidents: Errors related to traffic violations or driving history.

Consequences of Background Check Errors

Ignoring errors can impact your future job prospects with Uber and other platforms. Background check errors can also:

  • Lead to income loss due to missed work opportunities.
  • Harm your reputation if shared inaccurately with other employers.
  • Create ongoing challenges for securing other jobs in the gig economy.

Know Your Rights under the FCRA

Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), you have the right to:

  • An Accurate Report: The law requires background check companies to ensure the information they provide is accurate and up-to-date.
  • Dispute Incorrect Information: If you find errors, you can dispute them with the reporting company and expect timely corrections.
  • Seek Compensation: If background check mistakes have cost you employment or income, you may be entitled to financial compensation.

Frequently Asked Questions about Uber Background Checks

What Should I Do if My Uber Background Check Has an Error?

If you notice an error in your Uber background check, it’s crucial to act fast. Start by requesting a copy of your background report from Checkr, Uber’s background check provider. Review the report carefully and gather any documentation to support your claim that the information is incorrect. Once ready, file a dispute directly with Checkr, and they are required to investigate within 30 days. If errors continue or you face delays, Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C. can help advocate on your behalf.

How Long Does an Uber Background Check Dispute Take?

Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), Checkr is required to investigate your dispute within 30 days. If they correct the error, Uber should update your eligibility soon after. However, if issues persist or Checkr doesn’t respond adequately, our team can help ensure that your dispute is handled fairly and promptly.

Can I Drive for Uber While My Background Check Dispute is Pending?

In most cases, Uber will pause your driving eligibility while a background check dispute is in progress, particularly if it’s a recheck and your account has been temporarily disabled. Unfortunately, this means you may miss out on income during the review process. If you lose income due to incorrect information on your background check, you may be entitled to compensation, get a free case review now.

Why Did Uber Conduct a Background Check Recheck, and What Does It Mean?

Uber regularly conducts rechecks on current drivers to ensure ongoing safety and compliance. A recheck might reveal outdated or inaccurate information that can lead to temporary or permanent deactivation. If your recheck resulted in a wrongful deactivation due to an error, you have the right to dispute the findings and request corrections.

What Are the Most Common Background Check Errors for Uber Drivers?

The most common errors that appear in Uber background checks include:

  • Criminal records that don’t belong to you.
  • Wrongful identification or mix-ups with other individuals.
  • Inaccurate driving records or traffic violations.
  • Outdated charges or records that should no longer appear.

Can I Sue if an Uber Background Check Error Caused Me to Lose Work?

Yes, under the FCRA, you may be eligible to sue for damages if an error on your background check has caused financial harm, such as job loss or lost income. Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C. has extensive experience representing drivers in cases like this, ensuring they get fair treatment and, where applicable, compensation for the harm caused by background check errors.

How Can I Get a Copy of My Uber Background Check?

You can obtain a copy of your Uber background check report directly from Checkr by logging into their portal at If you have trouble accessing your report, Uber’s support team can assist with this process. Reviewing your report regularly, especially after a recheck, can help you catch any errors early.

What Rights Do I Have if My Uber Background Check is Incorrect?

Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, you have the right to:

  • Access your background check report.
  • Dispute any incorrect information with the reporting company.
  • Expect corrections within 30 days of filing a dispute.
  • Seek compensation if background check errors have resulted in job loss, deactivation, or income loss.

How Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C. Helps Uber Drivers

With extensive experience in FCRA cases, our team is here to fight back against inaccurate background reporting for you.

Uber Background Check Error Cases & Complaints

Below are some of the lawsuits we have filed against Uber drivers against Checkr for background check errors.

  • Marcovitch v. Checkr. – A long-term Uber driver was deactivated due to two open warrants that didn’t belong to him. It was a case of mistaken identity, and despite disputing the report and having it correct, his job was lost.
  • Conley v. Checkr, Inc. – Claimant applied for a job with Uber. The Checkr background report inaccurately stated Conley was a convicted felon even though she is not, and as a result she was unable to work as a driver for Uber.
  • Marcovitch b. Checkr, Inc. – Mr. Marcovitch was deactivated from  Uber due to inaccurate background report issued by Checkr. His background report mixed  him with an individual with two open warrants (for murder and assault). The non matching information was a name.
  • Client v. Checkr – For reporting obsolete information in violation of the FCRA and CA state law. The inaccurate information is criminal records that were too old to be on the background check report. The records were more than seven years old. As a result she lost a job with Uber.
  • Jerome Miller v. Checkr. – NDCA. Mr. Miller was denied employment with Uber because Checkr inaccurately reported his license as being expired when it was not, on his Checkr background report. The case settled.
  • Johnny Young v. Checkr. – NDCA. Mr. Young was denied employment with Uber due to criminal records that were inaccurately reported on his background report by Checkr. The inaccurate criminal records were a felony conviction that belonged to another individual with a different name than Mr. Young. Mr. Young disputed the inaccurate information and Checkr failed to correct it. The case settled.
  • Tyrone Gaskin Sr. v. Checkr. – NDCA. Mr. Gaskin was denied employment with Uber due to criminal records that were inaccurately reported on his background report by Checkr. The inaccurate criminal records included 2 felony convictions that belonged to another individual with the same name but different date or birth as Mr. Young. The case settled.

If you have experienced issues like these, you too may be entitled to compensation; get a Free Case Review Now.

If errors continue to be reported or aren’t resolved, we’ll take legal action to hold the responsible parties accountable. We fight to ensure you have a fair chance to earn income as an Uber driver without background check errors standing in the way.

Contact us today at 1-877-735-8600 or fill out the online case review form now for a no-obligation, free case review to discuss your situation and learn about your options.

Background Check Errors Cost You a Job at Uber?

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Once you submit this form a representative from the law firm of Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C. will be in touch.
Or Call 1-877-735-8600 and get immediate help to see if you have a case.

If you feel your rights under the FCRA have been violated by Uber or Checkr,
call 1-877-735-8600 to speak to our legal team.

Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C.








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