CALL NOW: 1-877-735-8600

TML Information Services

Address 116-55 Queens Blvd
City Forest Hills
State New York
Zip Code 11375
Phone 1 800-743-7891
Fax 718-544-2853

TML Information Services performs checks on consumers on behalf of various companies.

For example, TML has run a driver history check on behalf of a large car rental company.  This check allows the rental company to determine risk of letting the customer take out a rental car.

Monitor Your Credit Report Often

Even if you don’t have a poor credit history, you should still be checking up on your credit whenever possible.

You should especially check in before you make a major purchases such as a home or a car.  By checking your credit, you can assure the accuracy of the information and get ahead of any errors before it truly affects you and your purchasing plans.

You are entitled to one free report a year through  Be sure to take advantage of this luxury annually.  If you need to check your credit more than once a year, you can do so by purchasing your credit report from a credit bureau directly for a small fee.

Know your Credit Report Rights

You are allowed to dispute any information that you feel in inaccurate or erroneous on your credit report.  Lenders, banks, credit companies, mortgage lenders, and so much more use your credit history and credit score to determine the risk associated with you as a customer.

Because of the gravity of your credit score, you should monitor your credit reports for any errors that could affect your credit history.

Speak to a lawyer today to help you dispute these inaccuracies appropriately and timely.

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