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Tenant Data Services Rental Resident Screening

What is Tenant Data?

Tenant Data is a rental resident screening company. They provide background checks for rental property managers and owners.

What is in a Tenant Data Report?

Tenant data reports may include but are not limited to the following:

  • criminal background check
  • credit report from TansUnion
  • eviction history

Tenant Data Services Errors

Dispute Tenant Screening Report Errors
Tenant screening reports are often used as the deciding factor for landlords on whether or not to offer a lease to a tenant. If your background check from Tenant Data had errors that caused you to be denied an apartment or home, you may be entitled to damages. If you have a common name, you may be more likely to encounter errors on your tenant screening report. This is due to the fact that criminal history background checks are run using names and birthdates. If background check companies do not take extra time to make sure they have the correct person you can end up with information belonging to someone else on your report. You do have consumer rights that protect you.

Your Rights Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)

Consumer reports like tenant screening reports provided by Tenant Data Services are used to make life changing decisions. When you need a home you don’t have time to deal with inaccuracies in your background check or credit report. The laws under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) include rights for consumers to hold consumer reporting agencies accountable for how they report your information.

  • If a Tenant Data report is used to deny you an apartment or home, you must be notified by the landlord.
  • You are entitled to a copy of the Tenant Data report.
  • You have the right to dispute any inaccurate or incomplete information on your report.
  • If you dispute errors on your tenant screening report, the reporting company will have 30 days to investigate and make corrections to your report.
  • You have the right to sue the company that provided the report for damages.

Sue Tenant Data For Reporting Errors

Did your Tenant Data report have errors? Were you denied an apartment due to errors on a Tenant Data report? Was your lease changed or were you required to pay a larger deposit due to errors on a Tenant Data Report? If any of these issues happened to you, you may be entitled to damages.

Working with Consumer Law Firm

At Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C. we have been helping consumers like you fight back against false tenant screening reports for over 20 years. Our consumer protection attorneys are here for you. We know how frustrating it can be when trying to dispute errors that never get corrected. We also know that 30 days is a long time to wait when you need housing. That is why we help our clients get the settlements they deserve.

Find out if you have a case. Call us at 1-877-735-8600 or fill out the online case review form. The case review is Free and if you do have a case there is no out-of-pocket cost to you.

Tenant Data Contact Information

Mailing Address:
PO Box 5404
Lincoln, NE 68505
Phone 800.228.1837
Fax 800.962.4325

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Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C.








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If you do have case, there is no out-of-pocket cost to you.