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TC Index

Address 100 Stierli Court
City Mount Arlington
State New Jersey
Zip Code 07856-1312
Phone 1 800-425-5233
Fax 973-770-4006

Notice errors on your credit report?  Get notified by a potential employer that the background check they ran on you came back with negative results that you know are untrue?

Was your renter application denied because of inaccurate credit history? Did a potential mortgage loan get rejected because of a credit report note of continued late and non-payments which is a mistake?

Any false claims about your credit history that came through TC Index can be disputed.

The three major credit bureaus are required to remove negative information from your credit report until that information can be verified by them.   The three major credit bureaus are Experian, Equifax and TransUnion.

Who Can View My Credit Report?

Who has the right to view your credit reports?  It is defined that anyone with a “legitimate business need” can access your credit report.  This includes:

How Do I Dispute An Error on My Report?

There are a few things you can do:

  1. Fill out a dispute form.
  2. Send a letter to each credit reporting agency.  We have a sample letter you can work off of.
  3. Download our dispute form.
  4. Contact our lawyers today to discuss your options.

Remember that the credit reporting agency has 30 days to investigate your dispute according to the Fair Credit Reporting Act.  Also, once disputed, this dispute must appear within the report.

Contact our team today for a free consultation.

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Once you submit this form a representative from the law firm of Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C. will be in touch.
Or Call 1-877-735-8600 and get immediate help to see if you have a case.

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If you do have case, there is no out-of-pocket cost to you.