SageStream is a consumer reporting agency that provides supplemental credit reporting and credit scores. SageStream is formally known as IDA, Inc. and is a subsidiary of ID Analytics, Inc. ID Analytics is being acquired by LexisNexis Risk Solutions.
Yes, SageStream LLC is a real credit reporting agency based in San Diego, CA.
Address: P.O. Box 503793
City: San Diego
State: California
Zip Code: 92150
Phone: 888-395-0277
Some of the industries that SageStream provides credit reports for are:
SageStream LLC has their own credit scoring. They provide this information to lenders to help determine the risk of giving credit to the individual applying for it. SageStream credit scores are on a scale of 001 to 999. Generally, the higher the number the less risk a person is and therefore the more likely the lender will be paid. The SageStream credit score is not the same as the FICO credit score.
Did you have errors on a credit report provided by SageStream? Unfortunately, credit report errors are common. Many times the issue is that another individual’s information is on your report. Or perhaps, the information provided is outdated such as a bankruptcy that is over 10 years old.
No matter what is causing the error on the credit report, it is up to SageStream to make sure the credit reports they issue are correct and up to date.
You have rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) that protect you from credit reporting agencies like SageStream LLC reporting incorrect information. You have the right to dispute any errors on your credit report.
It is important to dispute SageStream credit report errors report right away. These errors, if left uncorrected, can hurt your credit score and end up costing you money in higher interest rates, loan denial, credit denial, missed job opportunities and more.
Damaging mistakes on your credit report can be a hassle and time consuming to correct. If you have tried to dispute your SageStream credit report and they keep reporting errors get a free case review now. Fill out the form on this page or call us at 1-877-735-8600.
Francis Mailman Soumilas has been helping consumers like you for over 20 years. The case review is free and there is no out of pocket cost to work with us. Let us help you get the errors removed and get the compensation you deserve.