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RentGrow - Yardi Resident Screening

Denied an Apartment Due to Inaccurate Information on a RentGrow Background Check?

Read Video Transcript: Working With Consumer Protection Lawyers for Tenant Screening Errors

What is RentGrow?

RentGrow is a resident screening service provided to property owners through Yardi property management software. RentGrow is Yardi’s tenant screening service. Property owners and landlords use Yardi software to manage tenants. Tenants will only see the name RentGrow on Yardi resident screening information.

What is RentGrow on My Credit Report?

RentGrow may show up as an inquiry on your credit report if you recently applied for an apartment, you were a co-signer for someone that applied for an apartment or if the property manager has rescreened you before renewing your lease.

Property managers and landlords must have consent from you before doing a background check. Generally, you sign an agreement at the time of your application. If a RentGrow inquiry is on your credit report by mistake, you have the right to dispute it with the credit bureau.

What is in a RentGrow Background Check?

The resident screening by RentGrow will depend on what the property manager or landlord requests.
Most tenant screening reports contain the same type of information:

  • Criminal History
  • Credit Reports
  • Employment and Income Verifications
  • Eviction and Rental History
  • Rental Payment Information
  • Social Security screening
  • Civil Court Records

Where Does RentGrow Get Their Information?

RentGrow tenant screening reports may contain consumer information gathered from databases maintained by Experian, Experian RentBureau (rental payment history), TransUnion, Equifax, The Work Number (employment and income verifications), and more. It will all depend on what is requested by the property manager.

RentGrow Background Check Errors

Dispute Tenant Screening Report ErrorsThe most common type of error we see with tenant screening is mixed files. This is when information that belongs to another person shows up on your report. This unfortunately happens often with instant background checks.

Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) tenant screening companies must make sure the information they provide is accurate and up-to-date.

What Happens When an Application is Denied Because of a RentGrow Report?

If your application is declined due to your RentGrow report, you must be notified, given a copy of the report, and a copy of your rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, and the contact information for RentGrow in order to file a dispute if needed.

RentGrow Dispute

If you find errors on your RentGrow tenant screening report or background check, you have the right to dispute that information. You can file an online dispute with RentGrow at or call RentGrow Consumer Relations at 1-800-898-1351.

If the errors on your RentGrow screening cause your rental application to be denied, you may be able to sue in Federal court.

How Long Does a RentGrow Dispute Take?

Once you file a dispute RentGrow will have 30 days to investigate the information and make any corrections.

Can I Sue RentGrow by Yardi for Tenant Screening Errors?

You have the right to sue background check companies for damaging errors. If you were denied and apartment or home, or your lease terms were changed due to errors on your RentGrow tenant screening report, get a free case review.

RentGrow Complaints, Cases, and Lawsuits

The following are RentGrow complaints and cases recently filed by the consumer law firm, Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C.. In the cases below, inaccurate criminal history was on the RentGrow reports that resulted in the denial or delay of renting apartments for these consumers.
If you have experienced any of the following, you too may have a case. Call us at 1-877-735-8600 for a free case evaluation.

Anthony Boyd v. RentGrow. – C.D. Il – Anthony Boyd was denied housing because of an inaccurate RentGrow tenant screening report. Specifically, the RentGrow report contained a civil judgement that does not belong to Mr. Boyd. RentGrow mis-matched Mr. Boyd with someone with a similar first and last name thus creating the inaccurate report.

Shawn Kelly v. RentGrow. Middle District of North Carolina – RentGrow, Inc. prepared and sold a consumer report about Mr. Kelly that included a criminal record that had been expunged in 2017. As a result, Mr. Kelly was unable to rent an apartment.

Jeremiah Dauer v. RentGrow. District of Arizona – RentGrow, Inc. prepared and sold a consumer report about Mr. Dauer that included a criminal record that had been expunged in 2017. As a result, Mr. Dauer was unable to rent an apartment

Michael Gonzales v. RentGrow. Filed District of Arizona. Mr. Gonzales was denied an apartment because RentGrow reported a felony conviction for aggravated assault that does not belong to him. The felony conviction is associated with a person who has the same first and last name as Mr. Gonzales. Mr. Gonzales disputed to RentGrow and his report was corrected, nonetheless, he lost the apartment.

Stansberry v. Rentgrow. Plaintiff applied for an apartment and RentGrow produced a tenant screening report that contained inaccurate information. The inaccurate information was a criminal misdemeanor which was expunged by the Court Order on August 14, 2018 and should not have been reporting under the Illinois Statute 20 ILCS 2630/5.2. As a result Plaintiff was denied the apartment rental. Plaintiff disputed and the report was eventually corrected, but apartment had already been rented. Case settled.

Lamb v. Rentgrow. Plaintiff applied for a house rental for her and her family in 2017. RentGrow produced a tenant screening report that contained inaccurate information. The inaccurate information was a felony charge against Plaintiff which was sealed by Court Order and should not have appeared on Plaintiff’s report. As a result Plaintiff was denied the house rental and had to stay in a hotel for over a week with her 3 children. Plaintiff disputed and the report was eventually corrected. Case settled.

The consumer law firm of Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C. Can Help with Tenant Screening Errors

Tenant screening errors can cause your rental application to be denied, or you may have to have a co-signer, or pay a higher deposit. This is not your fault. If you had errors on a tenant screening report and those errors prevented you from being able to rent an apartment or house, you may be able to sue in federal court.

If your tenant screening report had errors, fill out our online form or call us now at 1-877-735-8600 for a free case review.

RentGrow Contact Information

Phone: 1-800-898-1351

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Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C.








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