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Pinwheel Employment and Income Reports

Denied a Loan or Credit Due to Pinwheel Reporting Errors?

Pinwheel Employment and Income Reports for Banks and Lenders

Pinwheel is a consumer reporting agency specializing in income and employment history reports. Pinwheel provides these reports to financial institutions such as banks, lenders, and credit unions. The financial institutions that request employment and income data from Pinwheel use these reports to help decide whether someone is worthy of credit or a loan.

Pinwheel Employment Data Errors

When there is an error in the employment or income data provided by Pinwheel, it can cause serious financial harm. You could be denied a loan or credit that you need. Most consumers think of a credit card first, but it’s much more than that. When you seek credit or a loan from a bank, it could be for a home, a car, or maybe a safety net. It’s unfair when you are denied financial safety or the ability to get a home or reliable transportation due to an employment and income report error. Luckily, you have rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) that allow you to dispute errors and potentially be compensated for damages due to inaccurate consumer reports.

Disputing Pinwheel Employment Report Errors

The FCRA gives us the right to accurate and up-to-date consumer reports, including income and employment history reports. Errors in these types of reports are not uncommon. They often happen due to a mixed file or a data entry error. You can dispute errors on your Pinwheel employment and income history report.

How to dispute Pinwheel Reporting Errors

You will want to get a copy of the report that was used against you and check it for all inaccurate information. Gather any documents you can use to prove that the information in the report is wrong. Pinwheel gives consumers the option to dispute by mail or online. If you dispute by mail, be sure that you keep your original documents and only mail copies. Also, when disputing by mail, it is a good idea to send it certified mail. That way, you will know when Pinwheel receives your dispute.

Once you submit a dispute with Pinwheel, they have 30 days to review the information and remove any inaccuracies from your report.

Can I Sue Pinwheel for Employment Report Errors?

When consumer reporting agencies provide false information about you in their reports that has cost you a job, a loan, a home, or credit, you may have a case and be able to sue in federal court. If you have tried to dispute an error and they ignore your dispute, or perhaps it is corrected for a short time only to show up again and continue to cause you financial harm, you may be able to sue in federal court.

Assert your rights and determine if you have a case with no-obligation free case evaluation by filling out our Free Case Review Form.

Get Help From Consumer Attorneys

At Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C., we have fought for consumers for over 26 years against inaccurate consumer reporting. We know your FCRA rights and fight for you against these big consumer reporting agencies. Don’t let their errors prevent you from getting the credit or loan you need. Your employment and income reports must be accurate for your financial future. If you feel your rights under the FCRA have been violated by Pinwheel, we are here for you. Call us at 1-877-735-8600 with any questions, or fill out our free case review form.

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Once you submit this form a representative from the law firm of Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C. will be in touch.
Or Call 1-877-735-8600 and get immediate help to see if you have a case.

If you feel your rights under the FCRA have been violated by Pinwheel,
call 1-877-735-8600 to speak to our legal team.

Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C.








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