OPENonline is a background check company located in Columbus Ohio. They specialize in background checks for the banking, finance, government, law enforcement, healthcare, education, and transportation industries.
The division of OPENonline for employment background checks called SelectHire.
Your SelectHire employment screening may include your driving record, criminal record, employment verification and education verification. There may be more depending on what the employer has requested from Openonline SelectHire.
You have the right to know if anything on your background check has been used against you.
The FCRA (Fair Credit Reporting Act) is a consumer protection law that not only requires information that is being reported about you to be accurate, but also requires that anyone that accesses your personal information has your permission, and you have a right to see what these reports say about you.
If a potential employer uses the information on the SelectHire background check against you, they must provide you with a copy of the background check.
If there are errors, incomplete information, or outdated information on your background check you have the right to dispute these mistakes with OPENonline.
They will have 30 days to do an investigation and correct any errors.
If you tried to dispute your OPENonline background check provided by SelectHire to get errors corrected and they have ignored your dispute or never actually made the proper changes you may be entitled to damages.
Do not let mistakes or outdated information provided by OPENonline SelectHire keep you unemployed. If their mistakes are keeping you from getting a job you may have a case against them.
You need the help of a consumer law firm that has experience and knows how to fight for you. The law firm, Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C. can help you get the money you deserve. They don’t get paid until you win.
Fill out our quick form to have a representative from Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C. contact you to get more information about your potential case, or DON’T WAIT: call us right now 1-877-735-8600 and see if you have a case against OPENonline.