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Justifacts Background Check

Justifacts Credential Verification, Inc. provides background check services to employers. Services include, but aren’t limited to, employment history, criminal records, reference checks, motor vehicle reports, address history, international screening.

Who uses Justifacts?

Justifacts helps large companies filter through the many applications they receive. Hiring managers can use Justifacts’ resources to complete throughout background checks on job applicants.

Incorrect Background Check from Justifacts

Mistakes can happen on your background check. Background check errors can be extremely damaging to your reputation and daily life. If you have been denied employment because of an error on a Justifacts background check–or were you denied a job at Krispy Kreme because of a Justifacts report– you may be entitled to damages. Contact Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C. at 1-877-735-8600 or fill out the free case review form today!

Work With Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C.

Trying to dispute errors with Justifacts may be an overwhelming and difficult process, you may have lost or are unable to gain employment due to mistakes on your background check. Call Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C. and let them handle it for you. They know how to dispute false background checks and can tell you if you are entitled to damages. There is no obligation to work with us and there are no out of pocket costs to you. We get paid when we win your case.

Fill out the form or call today for a free consultation.

Justifacts Contact Information

Address: 5250 Logan Ferry Road
City: Murrysville, PA 15668
Phone: (800) 356-6885

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