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Info Cubic

Info Cubic provides employment screening services. The information that Info Cubic provides includes credit history, employment history, criminal background checks, phone verification, identity verification and much more. Info Cubic claims to give a 99% accuracy.

Info Cubic Background Check Mistakes

Although Info Cubic is claims high accuracy, errors still occur. An error in an Info Cubic employment report can cost you a job or even a promotion.
If you have been informed that you missed out on a job opportunity due to negative information in your background check, you can request a copy of the background check. If you find that it is due to an error, you have the right to dispute that error. If the error was from an Info Cubic background check, they must look into the error and prove that the information they have is correct, or the error must be removed.

When you have tried to dispute background check mistakes with Info Cubic and you have not reached a resolution, it may be time to take legal action. Under the FCRA you have the right to sue consumer reporting agencies for damages.

Call Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C. Today

If you feel as though you tried everything to get your background check corrected, and no action has been taken by Info Cubic, it is time to hire the consumer protection law firm of Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C..

Fill out our form, or call us today for a free case review, you may be entitled to damages. 1-877-735-8600

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