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How do I Order My Free Credit Reports?

Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, the nationwide credit reporting agencies are required to provide you with a free credit, at your request, every 12 months. The nationwide credit bureaus are Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. These agencies sell your information to insurance companies, lenders, employers or any other business that will be evaluating your credit.

You cannot contact Equifax, Experian, or TransUnion individually to get your credit report.
The nationwide credit reporting agencies have set up one central website for issuing your yearly credit reports. You must request these reports every 12 months in order to receive them.

The only truly free website to obtain your annual credit report from the nationwide credit bureaus is

You may also order your reports in writing by filling out their pdf form and mailing it to: Annual Credit Report Request Service, P.O. Box 105281, Atlanta, GA 30348-5281
When ordering by mail it may take about 15 days to get your credit report.

You may order your credit reports from all three agencies at once or stagger them throughout the year. It is important to note that each agency has its own databases of information, so the information supplied by one agency may be different from another.

Importance of Your Annual Credit Report

Your credit report may be requested many times throughout the year by companies you are trying to get credit from, or insurance companies, or by potential employers. Know that, it is highly critical that your credit report be free from errors. Though it is the responsibility of the credit reporting agencies to be sure the reports they issue are free from errors, sometimes mistakes still happen. Credit report errors can be extremely costly. A small credit report error could be costing you thousands of dollars a year.

Checking your credit report annually can help you prevent and resolve credit report errors and can help against identity theft

Other Free Credit Reports

Under the FCRA you are entitled to a free credit report if a company denies you credit, insurance or employment and you request your report within 60 days of receiving the notice. The notice you receive will give you the contact information of the credit reporting agency.
You may also receive a free credit report if you are unemployed and will be looking for a job within 60 days, if you are on welfare, or if you are a victim of identity theft.

What if my credit report has errors?

If your credit report has inaccurate or incomplete information, you have the right to dispute those errors with both the credit reporting agency and the person/company that provided the credit reporting agency with the information.
It is best to let the credit reporting agency know in writing that there is inaccurate information on your report. You can view our sample dispute letter.

Take Legal Action to Dispute Credit Report Errors

Sometimes, you need help taking on these large credit reporting agencies. Under the FCRA you have the right to sue credit reporting agencies for damages. When their mistakes cost you thousands and they are not working with you to fix them, you need the consumer protection law firm of Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C. on your side. They can fight for you and get you the damages you deserve. Fill out the quick form on the right side of this page, or call today for a free case review 1-877-735-8600.

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