Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C.

Family Identity Theft: What to Do if a Relative Steals Your Identity

Fraud in the Family

Identity theft among family members, also known as “familiar fraud,” is unfortunately a common source of how someone’s identity is stolen. In 2014, approximately 550,000 victims of identity theft and fraud said it was done by someone they knew. Sometimes it’s a matter of unauthorized credit card charges by a family member using your card, but it could also be a relative stealing your Social Security number to take out a loan or open up a credit account. Nonetheless, it is identity theft and a crime.

Being a victim of identity theft is already life altering, so it’s even more heartbreaking and stressful when it’s done by someone you thought you could trust.

What is identity theft?

Any time someone uses your sensitive information for financial or personal gain without your consent or knowledge is identity theft. It’s important to know how to recognize the signs of identity theft, so that you can immediately take action if something is suspicious.

Examples of identity theft among family members:

While that isn’t an exhaustive list, it gives you an idea of the various forms of identity theft by a family member can take.

How to Protect Yourself from Identity Theft

There are plenty of places where an identity thief could access your personal information. Know how to prevent identity theft and keep yourself safe:

What to Do if You Fall Victim of Identity Theft

Other members of your family may encourage you to not contact the police or take action, but remember that this is illegal. It shouldn’t matter if it was a family member or stranger, identity theft is a crime and should be handled as such.

If you find that someone has stolen your identity or used your information without consent, follow these steps:

Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), you have rights that protect you from the devastating effects of identity theft. If you are the victim of family fraud or identity theft, contact a consumer protection attorney to represent you when fixing the damages caused by identity theft. Call us at 1-877-735-8600 today to get free legal help.