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Driver iQ Background Screening Errors and Your Rights

What is Driver iQ?

Driver iQ handles employment screening for the trucking industry. Driver iQ is part of Cisive, a background screening company.

What is in a Driver iQ Background Check?

The information in your background report will depend on what the employer requests. The following are some of the services provided by Driver iQ.

  • Criminal History
  • Credit Check
  • Social Security Trace
  • Employment, Education, and Military Verification
  • Driving Records

Driver iQ Background Check Errors

Background Check Errors Can Cause Job LossDid your Driver iQ background check contain errors? Perhaps your employment history was wrong. Or worse, your Driver iQ report has incorrect criminal history. Unfortunately, employment background check errors are common.

The most common background check errors are mixed files. This is when information belonging to another individual is reported on your background report. It happens most often to people with common names. This type of error can be very damaging, not only resulting in denial of employment but also ruin your reputation.

Your Rights Under the FCRA

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) protects consumers from false information being reported on credit reports, background checks, and other consumer reports like employment history.

If information obtained in a background check is used to deny you employment, the employer must notify you, give you the contact information of the company that supplied the report and give you a copy of a summary of your rights under the FCRA.

The FCRA also gives you the right to dispute errors on your reports. If a credit report or background check contains inaccurate information it is important that you dispute it right away. False information on a background check can result in unemployment or a long delay before your start date.

Disputing Driver iQ background check errors

Phone: 1-855-881-0716

If you have errors on your background check click here for a free case review

Can I Sue Driver iQ for Background Check Errors

The FCRA gives you the right to sue background check companies for providing false information about you to employers. If any of the following has happened, you may have a case and be able to sue in Federal Court.

  • You lost a job due to errors on your background check
  • Your job start date was delayed because of errors on your background check
  • You missed out on a promotion because of errors on your background check

Driver iQ Complaints and Lawsuits

The following are recent cases against Driver iQ filed by Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C.. If you have experienced any of the following situations, you too may have a case against Driver iQ.

Corey Harris v. Driver IQ Eastern District of New York – Plaintiff Corey Harris was denied a truck driving position based on a background report prepared and sold by Driver IQ. The report that Driver IQ sold mis-matched Plaintiff with another individual with the same name who had been convicted of a felony and who was still in jail.

Working with Consumer Law Firm Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C.

We know how frustrating it is when your background reports are wrong. That is why our consumer protection attorneys have your back. We have been fighting for the rights of consumers for over 20 years against false employment reports and credit reports.

We are here for you. Call 1-877-735-8600 or fill out the online form to start your free case review. If you have a case there is no out-of-pocket cost to you.

Free Case Review

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Once you submit this form a representative from the law firm of Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C. will be in touch.
Or Call 1-877-735-8600 and get immediate help to see if you have a case.

If you feel your rights under the FCRA have been violated by Driver iQ or Cisive,
call 1-877-735-8600 to speak to our legal team.

Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C.








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If you do have case, there is no out-of-pocket cost to you.