Cross Check provides solutions for companies looking into check verification and processing of payments. Whenever you make a non-cash payment, this information is stored in a database and collected by many credit reporting agencies like Cross Check.
The collection of this data is to help companies that work with or might work with you in the future to determine the risk.
When CrossCheck denies a payment, it may happen at any other location that also uses cross check’s payment verification services. This can be a huge hassle. You can find out what report is sending up red flags and get a copy.
The issue with relying on credit reports, is that they can sometimes contain errors. These can be caused by identity theft, human error and many other reasons.
Errors are so common that you should check your reports often. If you spot an error, you need to get it taken care of quickly before it cost you money later on, such as higher interest rates, loan denial and so much more.
The law firm of Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C. knows how to get your credit report errors fixed, so you can get your life back. Don’t let credit report mistakes keep you from living the life you deserve. Call Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C. now or fill out our form for a free case review.