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Consumer Rights Blog

4 Ways To Improve Your Credit Score

  Top credit improvement tips A good credit score is key in many important economic transactions such as buying a house, taking out a loan or applying for a credit card. Improving your credit score won’t happen overnight. Repairing a bad credit report takes time but there are some steps you can take to expedite

Busted! How To Catch Telemarketers Who Break The Law

Identifying Illegal Telemarketing Techniques and How to Protect Yourself Many legitimate companies and charities use the telephone to solicit consumers, however, both telemarketers and con artists alike sometimes use over aggressive scripted sales pitches and high-pressure tactics to harass and rob consumers everyday. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) provides a national Do Not Call registry

Beware! Worst Internet Scams To Watch For

Online Scams and How to Avoid Them Thousands of people are victimized each year by online scammers who use emotional appeals and  urgency tactics to manipulate victims into giving out their personal information and banking account numbers. Mobile phone users, online shoppers, and social network users are all vulnerable to these scammers tactics. These online

3 Common Errors On Credit Reports – Check Yours!

Credit report mistakes happen more often than you may think. Nearly a quarter of Americans say they’ve discovered problems with their credit reports and found errors that could affect their ability to get credit or a better interest rate. Here’s how to get a copy of your credit report and here are the errors to

Best Blues Songs About Broke Times

80% of adults in the U.S. are facing uncertain financial times, credit issues or poverty. The sting can be even worse if you’re financial hurt because someone stole your identity and ruined your credit. No matter the reason why you’ve fallen on hard times, it just plain stinks. And we’re in it together. This is

An $18 Million Lesson in Handling Credit Report Errors

The New York Times reports one woman’s fight to clear her credit report of errors. Read on… Unfortunately, We’re Not Surprised. We See it All the Time I wish I could say that this was the first time of our seeing a fact pattern like this but unfortunately our firm has represented many consumers with the

Identity Theft Infographic: The Dangers of Identity Theft

Identity theft is a growing problem, especially with the increasing frequency your personal information is being entered and stored at multiple locations and sites.  Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C. decided to create this infographic to further illustrate to the increasing amount of identity theft occurring in the United States, and the various ways your information can

Rite Aid, LexisNexis Face Class Action Over FCRA Violations

Rite Aid and LexisNexis are facing a class action lawsuit alleging that Rite Aid made adverse hiring decisions using inaccurate information from background check reports supplied by LexisNexis. This type of action would be a violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). The plaintiffs in this suit claim LexisNexis compiled background information about them

A Double-Edged Sword For Consumer Data Sellers

“It has been more than 40 years since Congress passed the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) out of concern for the growing use and potential misuse of consumer credit history, but its relevance as a consumer privacy statute has never been greater.”  — Read more at: The ABA

Jim Francis on FTC Credit Reporting Study

Jim Francis  says the bureaus have no systemic incentive to fix things. When they make hundreds of millions of dollars each year in profit, legal losses are small change – “just a cost of doing business”. Read more at


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