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Consumer Rights Blog

Did The NSA Know About the Heartbleed Bug?

As the Heartbleed bug continues to create well-deserved panic and fear, you might find yourself asking: well, didn’t our government know about? The answer is Yes; but unfortunately their response to learning of the nefarious threat wasn’t what people would have expected. The fear people are experiencing over this bug is the result of not

Protecting Yourself from the Heartbleed Bug

With two-thirds of the most popular websites affected, the Heartbleed Bug remains the biggest threat to identity theft–potentially resulting in more stolen information than the 110 million affected by the Target breach. We say potentially because, as of yet, no one really knows just how much damage has been done. But we’ll show you how

Heartbleed: The Newest Threat to Data Security

It appears there’s a new superbug in town. No, it’s not ecoli or some new form of [insert animal name here]-flu. In fact, this one has no biological existence, but that doesn’t mean it can’t irreparably damage yours. I’m talking about Heartbleed, the new super virus thwarting popular encryption codes and stealing passwords, credit card

New Bill To Address Data Theft

Well it appears the US government has been asking the same questions we have “Who’s responsible for these data breaches and who should be held accountable when things go wrong?” And it appears there might be a bill on the way to answer that question. Do you believe you might be the victim of data

Data Breach: Did Target Know?

By this point most of us are pretty familiar with the hacking situation mega-retailer Target faced at the end of 2013. With upwards of 70 million customer’s credit card information compromised, Target has spent most of 2014 trying to make amends and figure out how this all happened. Well, it appears there may have been

California DMV: The Latest Data Breach

It looks like California’s Department of Motor Vehicle’s is the latest institution to suffer a data breach from hackers. These attacks seem to keep popping up as frequently as new episodes of Saturday Night Live–not that there’s a connection–that we know of! Let’s take a look at this latest digital plundering. Attacks like these prove

Credit Management Tips for Young People

Young people are coming out of college strapped with debt and entering a job market of slim pickings. Many of these young people are not finding employment or are forced to return to the kinds of minimum wage jobs they had back in high school. As such, it can be very easy for young people

Bit Coin: Yet Another Massive Data Theft

Written by Alex Bach Data theft has struck again!  This time targeting a new and emerging currency instead of our credit cards and dollars. Bitcoin, the all digital currency made popular by Mt. Gox and Silk Road, suffered a devastating blow last month that shows us just how wide and penetrating data theft is right now.

The Future of Data Security

Written by Alex Bach With 2013 being The Year of the Breach, millions of consumers are asking, “What does the future hold for better data security?” “How can we learn from this and better protect ourselves?” Well, it won’t be quick, and it won’t be easy or cheap, but there are some hints as to what


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