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Consumer Rights Blog

FCC expands RoboCall Rules within the TCPA

New Rules Close TCPA Loopholes New rules have been put into place for those marketing and companies using loopholes to get around the current TCPA laws. There have been an astonishing amount of consumer complaints and tons of petitions and lawsuits, in fact last year alone; the FCC received over 215,000 complaints. Blocking RoboCalls The

Data Breaches

Data Breaches Common It may be hard to believe, but data breaches are far more common than we’d like to admit or realize. In fact, in the last decade there have been at least 11 high profile data breaches in the US. This includes Target, Home Depot and Neiman Marcus. These are retail stores that

Avis Budget Car Rental Hit With Class Action

Article from The case was filed by Angela Fuller, who claims that she lost out on a rental sales associate job with Avis in 2013 because a background check found that she got a $40 ticket for drinking a malt beverage as a passenger in a vehicle in North Carolina 28 years earlier, in

I Found a Credit Report Error – Now What?

You’ve kept a close eye on your credit score. You’ve kept up on your annual credit reports at But you recently found a mistake listed on your credit report. This error has resulted in issues in many aspects of your life. Your car loan was denied, your upcoming promotion at the bank revoked, your

Dealing with Debt Collectors

A few months ago, I brought my oldest daughter for an x-ray to have her sinuses checked. The process went smoothly and I paid my copay and went on with my day. A month or so went by and I received a letter in the mail from the lab company stating that I owed quite

Target Data Breach Case Settled for $10 Million

Our technology is progressing, that’s for sure. And with increased technological possibilities, unfortunately, comes hackers and scammers conjuring up new ways to cheat and hack systems and the innocent public. We see examples of this popping up on the news every day- whether it be a gas station pump skimmer, robocalls and spam emails, or

Credit Report Errors Can Cost You More Than Money

According to a survey completed by a company called Demos, which investigated 1,000 low and middle income job seekers, one in four have been subject to a credit check during their job application process. Taking that further, one in ten of those hopefuls, were denied a job based on the findings in their credit reports.

Beware of Fake Debt Collectors

It is truly sad that there are people out there that will prey on the financially weak, unfortunate, and disadvantaged. Unfortunately, there are scammers that use whatever means possible to cheat and lie for money. There have been reports of “fake” debt collectors reaching out to consumers in various ways in order to elicit money


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