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Consumer Rights Blog

Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act – What is it?

The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA) is an amendment to the Fair Credit Reporting Act that allows consumers to request a free annual credit report from three credit reporting companies, Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. For an added fee, consumers can request a credit score with their report and information on how the score

Credit errors can get you fired

You already know that you can lose a job because of errors on a background check, but errors on a credit report can also affect your employment. Background checks can often include your credit score; employers like to see what kind of financial risk their employees have. What’s good to keep in mind is that

Chip Slip: Security Issues with Chip Cards

Chip-based credit cards are the new way to make a card transaction. The chip supposedly provides a more secure way to complete the transaction and keep your financial information safe. It works by randomizing the data sent to the card reader, making that information valid for one single transaction, versus the swipe method that had

Caught in the Act: How to Spot a Fake Debt Collector

Look out: many consumers across the country receive phone calls from fake debt collectors. These phone calls could include demands on repaying a loan you never took out or an amount within a loan that wasn’t what you originally took out, among other situations. The Federal Trade Commission warns consumers like you to be wary

What to Avoid to Keep Good Credit

Most of these blog posts focus on how to recover from bad credit. But if there’s such a thing as bad credit, good credit also exists. When it comes to maintaining good credit, there are a few things to keep in mind or else your credit score may lower. Avoid these four things in order

The Nitty Gritty of Credit Repair Scams

It may seem like a dream come true when a company offers an easy, quick solution to repairing bad credit. Be wary; some credit repair companies scam consumers, leading to more repercussions than simply having a bad credit. What does a scam look like? Any kind of advertisement mentioning a “new credit identity” with a

Wells Fargo Scandal

Wells Fargo Scandal: The Who, What, When and How

In September, Wells Fargo employees were caught secretly creating millions of unauthorized bank and credit card accounts since 2011. These accounts gave the bank an increase in its sales figures and profit. What Happened? According to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, employees enrolled their customers in online banking services by creating fake PIN numbers and

5 Most Common False Debt Collection Threats

It’s not uncommon for debt collectors to dish out empty threats to intimidate and pressure consumers into taking action on a debt. These threats are illegal and are used to get consumers to agree to make some kind of payment, even when there’s no proof of the consumer actually owing the debt. While there are


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