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Background Screeners of America Background Checks

Did a Background Screeners of America Report Errors Cost You a Job?

Background Screeners of America provides employment background checks that include criminal records, employment history, and other important personal information. Mistakes in a Background Screeners of America background check can lead to denied job opportunities or delayed hiring. If your background check contains errors that cost you a job, you have rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). At Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C., we are committed to helping you protect your rights and seek compensation for harm caused by inaccurate reports.

What Is a Background Screeners of America Background Check?

Background Screeners of America collects information from various sources, including:

  • Criminal records from state and federal courts
  • Employment verification and work history
  • Education verification
  • Identity checks for accuracy in personal details
  • Credit Reports
  • Social Security Number Trace
  • Motor Vehicle Records Search
  • Global Criminal Database and Sanctions Searches

These reports are intended to help employers make informed decisions. However, errors in a Background Screeners of America background check can prevent qualified individuals from getting hired.

Errors in Background Screeners of America Reports

Background Check Errors Can Cause Job Loss

Common Background Check Errors include:

  • Criminal records that do not belong to you
  • Outdated charges or incorrect criminal history
  • Mismatched identity details like name, birthdate, or address
  • Inaccuracies in employment or education verification

How Background Screeners of America Errors Can Impact Your Employment

Errors in your Background Screeners of America background check can lead to serious employment consequences, such as:

  • Job denials: A false criminal record or incorrect information could cause a potential employer to reject your application.
  • Employment delays: If errors need to be corrected, the hiring process can be delayed.
  • Damage to your reputation: Misinformation about your criminal or employment history can harm your professional image.
  • Financial loss: Lost job opportunities can lead to missed wages and long-term setbacks.

Dispute Background Screeners of America Report Errors

If you’ve discovered errors in your Background Screeners of America report, you have the right to dispute them. Here’s how to do it:

Obtain a Copy of Your Background Check

If an employer denies you a job based on your Background Screeners of America report, they must provide you with a copy of the report.

How to Dispute the Errors

  • Contact Background Screeners of America:
  • Mailing Address: Background Screeners of America, 9333 Melvin Ave Northridge, CA 91324
  • Phone Number: 1-866-570-4949
  • Email:

Provide Supporting Documentation: Include evidence to support your dispute, such as court documents or employment records.
Keep Records: Save all correspondence and evidence that you submitted a dispute.

Background Screeners of America’s Dispute Investigation

Background Screeners of America has 30 days under the FCRA to investigate your dispute. During this time, they are required to investigate your dispute and correct or remove any inaccurate information. You should also be notified of the results of the investigation.

Your Rights Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)

The FCRA provides you with protections, including:

  • The right to an accurate report
  • The right to dispute errors
  • The right to be informed if an employer uses a background check to deny you a job
  • The right to sue for damages

Seeking Legal Action If the Background Check Isn’t Corrected

If Background Screeners of America fails to correct the error or if the mistake has already harmed you, Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C. can help you pursue compensation.

Get Help from Consumer Our Protection Attorneys

If a Background Screeners of America background check error has prevented you from getting hired, our attorneys can help you get the errors fixed and get you compensation.

Contact Us for a Free Consultation

Call us at 1-877-735-8600 or fill out our online case review form to schedule a free consultation.

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