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Background Information Services (BIS)

Background Information Services Inc. or BIS specializes in employment screening. They provide background checks, drug testing, and criminal background checks. These reports are provided to companies that hire BIS to screen applicants. A company must have your written consent in order to obtain your background check. Generally, you give consent at the time you apply for a position.

Dispute Background Information Services Reports

If there were mistakes on the background check provided by BIS, you have the right to dispute those mistakes. They must investigate and remove any information that is proven to be false. BIS is responsible for making sure any information they provide is accurate and up to date. Any misinformation could be incredibly harmful to your reputation, and your ability to be employed. When you have tried to dispute mistakes with Background Information Services and they have not responded and have violated your rights under the FCRA, it’s time to take action and hire a consumer protection lawyer.

Hire Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C.

When you have found that your communication with BIS has gotten you nowhere and they will not make the proper corrections to your background check, the law firm of Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C. is here for you. They know how to sue reporting agencies that violate your rights under the FCRA and can get the errors removed and the compensation you deserve. Call today 1-877-735-8600 for a free case review, or fill out our quick form.

Background Information Services (BIS) Contact Info

Address 1800 30th Street  Ste. 204
City Boulder
State Colorado
Zip Code 80301
Phone 1 800-433-6010
Fax 303-442-3960

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