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Consumer Rights Blog

Top 6 Ways to Improve Your Credit Score

Written by Alex Bach Bad credit can effect so many aspects of your life: your interest on future loans, cars, mortgages; your employment opportunities; and more.  And the impact from a low credit score can take a while before returning you to solid numbers. Don’t let your credit score get away from you. Not to worry,

Best Apps to Manage Your Credit

Written by Alex Bach Your credit score isn’t just a number you look at once a year or something you’ll need when you buy your next car. Your credit score is much more far-reaching, effecting your eligibility for renting an apartment or getting a new job. As credit plays such an important role in today’s society,

Best Blues Songs About Broke Times II

Written by Alex Bach Along with bitter love lives, stories of debt and lack of money have long been another big theme of the blues.  What’s more is that many of their sorrows and laments still hold true for many people today. Debt and poor credit can lead to many people’s financial hardships and their own

Worst Identity Thieves in the History of the World

Written by Alex Bach Half a century ago identity theft would have sounded like some science fiction premise a la “Invasion of the Bodysnatchers.”  Today, identity theft is a household word, and so the pernicious act is so widespread and–often times intriguing–that it’s even become the premise of a blockbuster comedy starring Jason Bateman and Melissa

How to Make Sure Someone’s Not Stealing Your Baby’s Name and SSN

Identity thieves are increasingly targeting children, in some cases stealing their identities before they are born   The theft of a child’s identity can go undetected for years and create serious consequences for them in the future. Children are vulnerable to identity theft due to clean histories and low detection rates. 140,000 children are victims

Best Wallets to Thwart Electronic Pickpockets

A new potential for fraud is on the rise: It’s easy, however, to protect yourself. The threat exists because of the radio-frequency identification chips (RFID) or Near Field Communication (NFC) chips that are starting to be embedded in credit and debit cards. A thief can use this “swipe to pay” technology to capture your info

Best Apps to Monitor Your Credit

U.S. Consumers are turning to credit monitoring services to help keep track of their credit scores and protect themselves from financial criminals, especially identity thieves. Credit monitoring services will notify you any time a new account is opened in your name and also if you have derogatory reports from creditors. Derogatory reports can often hurt a

Caught! 6 Stories About Catching Identity Thieves

Identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in the world affecting millions of people a year. Due to the increasing rate of ID fraud, consumers must safeguard their personal information now more than ever before. Identity theft can involve everything from medical theft, false social networking profiles, child identification theft, email identity theft,

Is Someone Stealing Your Name? How to Keep Yourself Safe

Identity Theft On The Rise Today’s thieves are becoming extremely adept at attaining stolen data to deplete existing accounts, max credit limits, apply for jobs, and obtain mortgages. Becoming a victim of identity theft can end up costing you a ton of time, stress, and money. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) estimates 10 million Americans


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