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Consumer Rights Blog

Could Facebook be Affecting Your Credit Score?

Could Facebook really be affecting your credit score?  That seems like a dastardly question; after all, how could a site used to interact with old college friends, swap marathon or baby photos, and post your personal response to the latest “Walking Dead” episode have any bearing on your credit score and merit for getting a

A New Tool in the Fight Against Identity Theft

So, by now you’re (hopefully) aware of the threat of identity theft; you’ve taken steps to protect your information; but how do you know if it’s working?  How can you check if someone is still stealing your info? Luckily, there’s a new tool out there designed to help. My ID Score: A new tool from

3 Movies That Show the Horror of Identity Theft

Written by Alex Bach Sometimes it takes a piece of art to open our eyes to the threats of the world in order for us to understand both the gravity of the issue and the horror of it.  Identity theft is no exception, thankfully there are a couple movies that will scare you straight if you

Data Hacking at the Olympics

NBC’s Richard Engle, covering the 2014 Winter Games held in Sochi, Russia, recently came out with a report on the level of data security in Russia.  That is, on the lack of data security in Russia.  It appears as if the Olympic Games aren’t just for athletes to strut their stuff but for hackers, as

Nieman Marcus: Another Massive Credit Card Data Breach

Written by Alex Bach Fresh off the heals of Target’s major financial breach comes a new one. Upscale clothing store Neiman Marcus has suffered a massive data breach affecting over 1 million credit card numbers. Let’s look at what happened and see if there isn’t anything we can learn from this most recent breach in order

Wildest Cases of Identity Theft

Written by Alex Bach In light of the recent breaches in Target and Neiman Marcus, identity theft paranoia is (or should be) at an all time high. Which is good; people are finally starting to get concerned about the very real and very pernicious threat that is identity theft. To further your fear, and you get

The Latest in the Target Breach

Written by Alex Bach With Target’s recent massive security breach, people all over the country have been wondering about the latest developments and asking “Just who is going to look into this and punish those responsible?” Well, it looks like the new sheriff in town is going to be the Secret Service.  A division of the

A Breach of Security, A Breach of Trust

Written by Alex Bach You’ve learned to be weary of shady companies giving out personal information, and you’ve (hopefully) learned to protect yourself and stay away from such people/companies/services. But what if it’s your own government that caused the leak of your valuable information?  No, we’re not talking Edward Snowden,this was USIS (U.S. Investigations Services) a

Is it Time to Sue Your Debt Collector?

Written by Alex Bach While I’m sure most people would love to launch a suit on the first person to call them away from Christmas dinner to ask if they’re willing to make a payment on their debt, not every collection practice merits a lawsuit. Some collection agencies follow all the rules set forth by the

The Evolution of the Credit Report

Written by Alex Bach Like all things, credit reports had a beginning, too. And like most new  inventions, it started out somewhat clunky and only improved as the years went by. Take a look at the evolution of the credit report and see how far it has come. If you’ve got a question about your credit


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