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Consumer Rights Blog

Wells Fargo Scandal

Wells Fargo Scandal: The Who, What, When and How

In September, Wells Fargo employees were caught secretly creating millions of unauthorized bank and credit card accounts since 2011. These accounts gave the bank an increase in its sales figures and profit. What Happened? According to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, employees enrolled their customers in online banking services by creating fake PIN numbers and

5 Most Common False Debt Collection Threats

It’s not uncommon for debt collectors to dish out empty threats to intimidate and pressure consumers into taking action on a debt. These threats are illegal and are used to get consumers to agree to make some kind of payment, even when there’s no proof of the consumer actually owing the debt. While there are

Stop Robocalls and Sue For Every TCPA Violation!

What is the TCPA? The TCPA is the Telephone Consumer Protection Act. The Telephone Consumer Protection Act is the principal federal law that protects consumers from abusive telemarketers, text message spammers, and robocallers. What is a Robocall? Robocallers refer to automatic telephone dialing systems. These systems store the numbers to be called and and then

Scalia’s Death Adds To Uncertainty In Class Standing Fight

Law360, New York (February 16, 2016, 10:45 PM ET) — U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s unexpected death on Saturday creates a clear opening for the high court to split evenly on whether consumers can sue companies for technical statutory violations without alleging an actual injury, in a ruling that would preserve uncertainty and divergent


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