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Asurint Background Screening Solutions

Did Asurint Background Check Errors Cause You to Lose a Job?

We help consumers like you fight back against unfair and illegal consumer reporting. Did you lose a job or a promotion due to errors on your Asurint background check? We can help.

Who is Asurint?

Asurint is a background screening service located in Cleveland, OH. They provide background checks for employers and volunteer organizations.

What Information Does an Asurint Background Check Contain?

What is contained in your background report from Asurint will depend on the what the employer or volunteer organization request.

The following are some of the screening services that Asurint offers:

  • Criminal Background Checks
  • Drug Screening
  • Social Security Number Search

  • Driving Records
  • Credit Reports
  • Verifications – education, employment, licensing

How Long Does and Asurint Background Check Take?

Asurint background checks are completed in 24-48 hours, but may take longer depending on what was requested by the employer.

Did Your First Asurint Background Check Contain Errors?

With the majority of employers using background checks to qualify job seekers, the information in your report is critical. Errors on an Asurint background check can keep you from getting a job or a promotion.

When dealing with background check errors, the most common mistake is incorrect criminal history. This is usually due to mistaken identity or outdated databases.

The laws under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) require consumer reporting agencies to be sure the information they provide is accurate and up-to-date.

Background Check Errors Cause Job Loss

If you have errors on your background check click here for a free case review

How Far Back Does Asurint Background Checks Go?

How far back an Asurint background check will go to collect information depends on the job you are applying for. It also depends on the information requested by the employer or volunteer organization. Background checks, and credit reports do have time limits for reporting some negative information.

Will a Criminal Conviction Over Seven Years Old Show On My Background Check?

Criminal convictions no matter how old can show up on your background check. There is no time limit for reporting misdemeanors and felony convictions. If you were arrested but not convicted over seven years ago, that should not be on your background check. In California, Kentucky, New York, and New Mexico non convictions should not be on your background check.

Asurint Background Check Disputes

Asurint Background check errors can be damaging. They can cause job loss and ruin your reputation. Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) you have rights that protect you. Asurint Background Screening Solutions, must be sure what they report is accurate and up-to-date.

Your Rights When Notified of Adverse Action or are Denied Employment

  • You are able to get a free copy of your background check
  • The employer must give you the contact information of the background check company
  • You should get a summary of your rights under the FCRA from the employer
  • You have the right to dispute inaccurate information on your background check

How to Dispute Asurint Background Check Errors

Asurint offers a few ways to dispute your report:
Phone : 1-800-906-2034
Fax: 1-800-906-2034
Mail: Asurint
P.O. Box 14730
Cleveland, OH 44114
Online: Asurint Contact Form

Background Check Dispute Tips: Always keep a record of every communication. You keep the original documents and only send copies.

Asurint has 30 days to investigate background check disputes and correct errors. You should receive a notification with the results.

Can I Sue Asurint for Background Check Errors?

If you lost a job or promotion due to inaccurate information reported on your Asurint Background Screening Solutions report you may be able to sue in federal court.

Did any of the following happen to you?

  • You lost a job due to errors on your background check
  • Your job start date was delayed because of errors on your background check
  • You missed out on a promotion because of errors on your background check

Asurint Background Screening Solutions Complaints

Here are quick summaries of recent civil Asurint lawsuits. These complaints were filed by Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C. against Asurint Background Screening Solutions alleging violations of the laws under the FCRA. Our clients are people just like you that were denied or delayed jobs due to inaccurate background checks. If any of the following has happened to you, call 1-877-735-8600 for a free case evaluation.

Timothy Ellis v. Asurint. Plaintiff Timothy Lemar Ellis was applying for work as a truck driver. Asurint prepared a background report about Plaintiff that included an extensive criminal history, however, the inaccurate criminal history on the Asurint background check was actually related to a Timothy Dwayne Ellis.

Keyona Bryant v. Asurint Background Screening Solutions – D.NJ. Ms. Bryant was denied a job due to felony convictions that were inaccurately reported on her background report by Asurint. These criminal records belong to another individual with the same name as Ms. Bryant.

Sinclair Williams v. Asurint Background Screening Solutions – Mr. Williams was delayed in getting a job due to criminal records that were inaccurately reported on his background report by Asurint. The criminal records belong to another individual with the same name and date of birth as Mr. Williams.

Derrick Thomas v. Asurint Background Screening Solutions – Mr. Thomas was denied employment due to an inaccurate criminal history reporting on his Asurint report. The criminal record in question should not have reported based on state law.

Did Your Asurint Background Check Cost You a Job?

Get Help from Consumer Protection Lawyers

At Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C., we know how damaging errors on your background check can be. We know how frustrating it is when your rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act get violated.

For over 20 years we have been fighting back against background check errors. Fill out the form on this page for a free case evaluation, or call us at 1-877-735-8600.

If you have a case, there is no out-of-pocket cost to you. We only get paid when we win for you.

Asurint Contact Information

Address: 1111 Superior Avenue East, Suite 2100
City: Cleveland
State: Ohio
Zip Code: 44114-2534
Phone: 800-906-2035

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Once you submit this form a representative from the law firm of Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C. will be in touch.
Or Call 1-877-735-8600 and get immediate help to see if you have a case.

If you feel your rights under the FCRA have been violated by Asurint Background Screening Solutions,
call 1-877-735-8600 to speak to our legal team.

Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C.








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