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American DataBank

American DataBank specializes in Employment Screening and compliance. They provide background check services that are tailored to each business’ needs.

Error on American DataBank Background Checks

American DataBank, prides themselves in providing quick, many times instant, results without compromising quality.
If this is not the case and your American DataBank report had an error it could be very damaging and possibly cost you a job. When you are denied employment because of a background check, you are entitled to a copy of that report. If there is an error, you must let the person that issued the report and the company that they received the information from know that there is a mistake. It is best to contact them in writing. Be sure to keep copies for yourself as well.
American DataBank is required to investigate and let you know if they can prove that the error is in fact, true, or if it cannot be proven true, it needs to be removed.

Hire A Consumer Protection Law Firm to Help

If you cannot get the damaging errors removed from your background checks, and it is affecting your ability to get a job, it is time for you to call Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C..

Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C. know what legal action to take in order to get you the compensation you deserve. Call now at 1-877-735-8600 or fill out the free case review form.

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