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Consumer Rights Blog

Background Check and Employment Report Errors

Background Check and Employment Report Errors

Video Transciption Hi folks, my name is Mark Mailman. I’m a partner at the consumer law firm of Francis Mailman Soumilas. Today, I want to speak to you about background or employment check reports. Background check companies make mistakes all the time that cause people to be denied or even delayed jobs. These mistakes include

free legal help when you are denied housing due to inaccurate tenant screening

Delayed or Denied Housing Due to Credit Report Errors

Working With Consumer Protection Lawyers for Tenant Screening Errors: Video Transcription Hi, my name is Mark mailman and I’m a consumer protection lawyer that represent consumers who have been delayed or denied housing or apartments due to inaccuracies on credit reports. So let’s say you’re going for an apartment. You have an otherwise clean record.


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