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ADP Screening and Selection Services Background Checks

Did your ADP background check report contain false information that cost you a job?

We fight back against false reporting done by ADP Screening and Selection Services. Did you lose a job due to an inaccurate report? We can help.

Who is ADP Screening and Selection Services?

ADP Screening and Selection Services (ADP SASS) is a provider of background checks and other employment screening. ADP SASS is one of the “talent management” products provided by ADP.

What does ADP Screening and Selection Services Look For?

Like most background check companies ADP Screening and Selection Services reports the following:

  • Criminal Background
  • Social Security number verification
  • License and credential verifications
  • Professional verification

  • Credit Reports
  • Drug Testing
  • Medical Screening

ADP Screening Background Check Errors

Background Check Errors Cause Job LossADP Screening reports generally include criminal background checks. The criminal background check is generally the area that can cause issues. Incorrect criminal history can show up even if you’ve never been convicted of a crime.

The 3 Most Common Mistakes on a Background Checks

  • Mixed Files – This can happen with names or birthdates that are similar to another person. Their information could show up on your background check.
  • Mistaken Identity – This happens when you are mistaken to be another person. This could be due to identity theft or a criminal using an alias that happens to be your name.
  • Outdated Databases – Old information that should not get reported can show up on your background check. When databases used are not kept up-to-date old bankruptcies or an old arrest record can show up.

Errors on an ADP background check can cause job loss or loss of a promotion, or a delay in starting a job.

How Far Back Does ADP Screening and Selection Services Background Check Go?

How far back a background check will go depends on the job you are applying for and the information requested by the employer. Background checks, and credit reports have time limits for reporting some negative information.

Can Criminal Convictions Over 7 Years Old Be On My Background Check?

Yes, any criminal conviction no matter how old can show up on your background check. There is no time limit for reporting misdemeanors and felony convictions. If you were arrested but not convicted over seven years ago, that should not be on your background check. In California, Kentucky, New York, and New Mexico non convictions cannot be on your background check.

ADP Screening and Selection Services Disputes

Can I dispute my ADP Screening And Selection Services Background check?

Yes, you have the right to dispute any incorrect information reported in your background check. Once ADP Screening and Selection services receives your dispute, they have 30 days to investigate and correct errors.

How to Dispute ADP Screening and Selection Services Background check

You have a multiple options for sending your dispute.
Phone: 888-606-7868 select option 2
Fax: 800-237-4011 Use the Dispute form provided by ADP Screening and Selection Services
Mail: ADP Screening and Selection Services, Inc.
Attention: Compliance 301 Remington St.
Fort Collins, CO 80524

Make sure any supporting documents that you send in the mail are copies. Always keep your original documents. Keep records of all communication on your dispute.

Can I sue ADP Screening and Selection Services over Errors on My Background Check?

If you lost a job or promotion due to inaccurate information reported on your ADP Screening and Selection services background check you may be able to sue in federal court.

You have rights Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) that protect your from false information on your consumer reports. Consumer reports include, but are not limited to, your credit reports and background checks. You have the right to dispute errors. You also have the right to sue consumer reporting agencies that violate your FCRA rights.

ADP Screening and Selection Services Complaints

James Hines v. ADP – E.D.VA. Mr. Hines was denied a job due to a consumer report from ADP. The report listed him as a registered sex offender in Indiana. This information did not belong to this Mr. Hines. It belonged to another individual that had the same first and last name as Mr. Hines. The case settled.

If ADP reports harmful, inaccurate, information about you, you may be entitled to money damages.

Did an ADP Screening and Selection Services Background Check Cost You a Job?

Get help from consumer protection lawyers

At Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C., we know how damaging errors on your ADP background check can be. We know how frustrating it is when your rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act get violated.

For over 20 years we have been fighting back against background check errors.

Fill out the form on this page for a free case evaluation, or call us at 1-877-735-8600.

If you have a case, there is no out-of-pocket cost to you. We only get paid when we win money for you.

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Once you submit this form a representative from the law firm of Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C. will be in touch.
Or Call 1-877-735-8600 and get immediate help to see if you have a case.

If you feel your rights under the FCRA have been violated by ADP Screening and Selection Services,
call 1-877-735-8600 to speak to our legal team.

Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C.








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