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LexisNexis Accurint / LexisNexis Risk Solutions Bureau LLC

LexisNexis Risk Solutions Bureau LLC is a specialty credit reporting agency headquartered in Alpharetta, Georgia. Its Accurint service sells financial information about debtors to collection agencies. LexisNexis also provides background checks to employers seeking information on job candidates and current employees.

What’s on Your Accurint Report?

Your Accurint report may include information about:

While Accurint is also available for law enforcement, legal professionals, government agencies, non-profits and other businesses, collections is its main industry. Debt collectors find all of this information useful when they try to collect a debt. However, there are laws preventing debt collectors from using threatening scare tactics to coerce you into making payments. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) protects you from collection harassment.

Only those who have a legitimate need are allowed access to your consumer reports. Additionally, anyone using your LexisNexis report must notify you if negative information appears.

Is LexisNexis reporting false information about you?

You can obtain a free copy of your LexisNexis report. After you receive it, be sure to go over the information very carefully and ensure that everything is accurate. The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) requires that LexisNexis uses the highest maximum standard of accuracy when providing consumer information.

Unfortunately, mistakes on credit reports and related consumer files still happen. These errors can drastically change your employment or job search, or debt collectors may contact you and try to collect on a debt you don’t actually owe. You have the right to dispute these errors and stop debt collection harassment.

Dispute LexisNexis Accurint Errors

If your Accurint report contains errors, contact them and dispute the information. LexisNexis will then have 30 days to investigate your dispute and correct the information. If your LexisNexis dispute is ignored or unresolved after 30 days, you have the right to sue. If debt collectors contact you about false debt on your Accurint report, or if you have lost a job due to your background check, you may be entitled to damages.

How to Sue LexisNexis Accurint

If LexisNexis violated your rights under the FCRA, contact the consumer protection attorneys at Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C.. We’re ready to help you fight back and fix the errors on your LexisNexis reports. Get free legal help today by filling out a case review form or calling us at 1-877-735-8600.

Class Action LexisNexis Settlement

In 2014, LexisNexis paid $13.5 million in a class action settlement approved by a Virginia federal judge. The 200 million members of the class filed a lawsuit against LexisNexis, alleging that the company sold its Accurint reports to debt collectors and did not handle those reports as consumer reports as they should have under the terms in the FCRA.

The consumer protection law firm of Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C. was part of the representation for the 200 million members of the class. The class action LexisNexis settlement was groundbreaking because the company had to comply with the FCRA in regards to its Accurint reports.

You can read more about this case at Top Class Actions.

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