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The Accu-Facts Company – Background Checks & Pre-Employment Screening

The Accu-Facts Company provides background check services to employers about job applicants or current employees before offering a new job or promotion. These reports show employment history, credit and financial history, criminal history, previous addresses, education, and much more.

Accu-Facts Pre-Employment Screening Errors

Mistakes on an Accu-Facts background check can be devastating. False employment reports may prevent you from getting a job or promotion, but they may also cause other issues, such as denial of residence, increase in loan and interest rates, credit disapprovals and much more.

That is why it is important to make sure your background check is accurate, and that you know how to dispute any Accu-Facts background check mistakes.

You can get free copies of your credit reports and other background information in order to spot any potential harmful errors. If an error is spotted, you can dispute it and have it removed from your consumer reports.

Dispute Accu-Facts Background Check Errors

The Fair Credit Reporting Act protects consumers from the unfair use of false employment reports. The FCRA mandates that:

If your Accu-Facts employment report contains inaccurate information, you have the right to dispute the information and have it corrected. After you dispute, Accu-Facts has 30 days to investigate the information and make the correction. If your dispute is ignored or unresolved after 30 days, you have the right to sue Accu-Facts.

If an Accu-Facts background check error has caused problems and you are having a difficult time getting it removed, it’s time to contact Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C..

Get Free Legal Help from Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C. Today

The consumer protection attorneys at Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C. will evaluate your situation with Accu-Facts, and determine the best course of action to get your background check errors cleared up so you can get your life back. Fill out our case review form or call us at 1-877-735-8600 to get free legal help today.

Contact Information for The Accu-Facts Company

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