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A-Check Global Background Checks

Who is A-Check Global?

A-Check Global, formerly A-Check America, Inc. is a background screening service headquartered in Riverside, CA.

What is in an A-Check Global Background Check?

What’s included in your A-Check Global background check will depend on the screening requirements of the employer.
Your A-Check Global report may include but is not limited to the following:

How Long Does an A-Check Global Background Check Take?

According to the A-Check Global website it generally takes around 24-72 hours (business days), but may take longer depending on the requests made by the employer and other factors that are out of the control of A-Check Global.

A-Check Global Background Check Errors

Did the background check provided by A-Check Global contain inaccurate information? Unfortunately, employment background check errors are common. These type of errors generally occur from mixed files, but can also be from outdated databases or human error.

How Will I know if There Were Errors on My Background Check?

If the company that ordered your background screening report, have cited it as the reason for you not getting the job, you have a right to see a copy of the report. Generally, when this is the case, you are given an adverse action notice. All employers must notify you if the information contained in a background check or credit report is the reason that you are not offered employment.

Disputing A-Check Global Background Checks

Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), every person has the right to dispute any errors on their background check or credit report.
A-Check Global offers applicants the option to dispute background checks online, or by phone.

A-Check America (A-Check Global) Contact Information

Address: 1501 Research Park Drive
Riverside,CA 92507
Toll-Free Phone: 877-345-2021
Direct Phone: 951-750-1501

How Long Does a Background Check Dispute Take?

Once you have contacted A-Check Global about a mistake on your credit report, or background check, they must investigate and either show proof that it is not a mistake or remove it from your report within 30 days.

Can I Sue A-Check Global for Background Check Errors?

If you had inaccurate information on your background check that prevented you from getting a job or a promotion, or that delayed your start date, you may have a case.

Francis Mailman Soumilas, P.C. Consumer Protection Lawyers Are Here For You

Our team of consumer protection attorneys know exactly what legal action to take to make sure you get the compensation you deserve and get damaging errors taken care of.

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